Thursday, August 28, 2008

High on a Hill Stood a Lonely Goat...

Before traveling to the Alps, its important to watch movies that have extensive mountain scenes in them in order to be fully prepared for the experience. Films such as The Sound of Music, Homeward Bound, and any other action movies that involve mountain climbing or Tom Cruise are suitable choices. 
Its also important to practice one's French, so before leaving, count to three everyday and repeat "Bonjour"  and "C'est La Vie'' at least once every hour, on the hour, in a back-of-the- throat, French-like manner. Due to this ritual practice, upon arrival, I became instantly fluent in the language; so much for all those years of silly Spanish classes! So while one is reading this, feel free to thank me later and capitalize on the knowledge about to be written from these bi-lingual fingers of culture: "Papiers" written on a trash can means, "This Is A Trash Can" and "Creperie" means "Delicious Food Served Here, Good Thing You're Just A Tourist And Will Be Leaving Soon Or Else You Would Become Morbidly Obese".

Here are a few photos of highlights from the trip:
It took not one but two gondola rides to reach the look out area, but it was worth it because we had a prime view of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe. George took this picture, which explains the angle.
The sunset from the middle deck of our chalet. 
Cheese! The moon's made of cheese. Thats where they get it, everyone knows the French are moon farmers. This is a small grocery store in which everything was crazy expensive. 
Pretty lake near the golf course.
This is from the day we went on a 6 mile hike, which I ran 1/3 of due to no restrooms being available in the wilderness and my intense habit of consuming water. It was bittersweet.


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun...

I miss mountains!

Andrew Lee said...

Im so jealous...its not fair, you go over seas and sea beauty, i go over seas and see dirt, sand, and a bunch of freaky people with towels on their heads to hide the fact that they have no hair......., miss ya kiddo

Anonymous said...

Wherest be thine updates wench!?

See, this is the problem with writing a witty blog. You must now please the people lest they lynch you. Huzzah!