Monday, August 11, 2008

Here, There and Everywhere...

I was in London again Saturday to see the Tate Modern art gallery and chill with Monet, Picasso, Pollock, Rothko and Mondrian, and although they were dead silent I had a good time. Inspiration scale: 11 out of 10.
I must have looked official because on the walk back to Waterloo from the Tate I was asked for directions by some English women. I wonder if they took me seriously after I opened my mouth and revealed an American accent...

After my trip to the gallery, I carried on to Birmingham where I was picked up by my Aunt Liz and Cousin Thomas and driven to their lovely home in Sutton Coldfield to visit with them and Uncle Les, who is in crutches and a brace after he decided to jump off a mountian in Scotland a few weeks ago.

Sunday, Thomas and I drove to several different places including Chorley, Litchfield and Cannock Chase, then my Aunt Jane and Uncle John came over with cousins Rachel and Daniel, who have gotten really tall and old, which doesn't make sense at all because I haven't aged whatsoever.

They give the times until you get there, so its basically just like Disneyland.

There is construction going on outside the Tate but they are sure to get the message across that is in fact, just temporary.

Some old buildings on the walk from Waterloo to the Tate.

Thomas in front of Litchfield Cathedral

One of the many Chorley's!
Sunday Thomas and I went to Litchfield and went around the Cathedral there as well as the town area, then carried on to Chorley, the illustrious town that was named after yours truly.
Here I am inside Litchfield Cathedral-
Erasmus Darwin(Charles' grandfather and a well respected botanist, though not as adventerous or well known as Charles)is buried inside.

Inside Thomas' Morris Minor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erasmus Darwin wrote a truly extrordinarily thick work called Zoonomia which is in my opinion, not worth your time. Also, wikipedia him and scroll down to the "Death" section. Are they wrong?