Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Five

Here is my "Official Top Five French Things I Like" list, in no particular order of relevance nor preference(seeing as I am indecisive and reserve the legal right to add or change to this list at any moment according to my each and every whim and will).

1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) French Onion Soup. Not sure if the French made it first or if one is supposed to use onions from France, but by golly its good. My Aunt Liz made it when I visited her a few weeks ago and it was D-E-lish.

2) The shutters on the windows and wrought iron edged balconies.

3) Indescribable mountain hiking trails, some of which have cafes sitting right in the middle of the journey, just in case one needs a rest half way(okay so they're not all like that, those were just the main, shorter trails, like the 12 mile one). 

4) Little slices of culture, like this: 

There are just some activities one shouldn't attempt participate in on a 10,000 foot high mountain slope, like playing "Tip the Gondola".
There was a lot of wildlife, such as this deranged moose who was apparently very vicious in his time roaming the Alps. I don't see the need to display the remnants of beheaded animals above one's doorway, but Franqois certainly produces qualities that add to the overall aesthetic of this building's facade. So basically, if one feels like a dead animal would look pretty above their parlor, awe inspiring in their apartment or delicate while on the whitewashed walls of their prison cell, by all means, go for it! Its not creepy at all and they won't be staring while you sleep!

Truffle hunting! 
(*Note: No actual mushrooms, truffle, illicit drug, nor mushroom soup 'shrooms were picked or consumed on this vacation nor have ever been picked or consumed due to fear of imminent and sudden death and discomfort)

5) The pretty language.

6) Anything I happen to fancy at the current time.

These candies are everywhere, but the caramel is so chewy and sticky that I felt like a dog eating peanut butter with its legs tied together. Bon apetit, right?

A horse and pony ranch we visited.

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