We also went to Bridgnorth; I had been before when I was young but forgot the name of the town, so upon waking up in the car it was like I was waking up in a memory, which was a weird feeling. Bridgnorth has a cliff railway that takes people from one level of the town to the other, and the streets are filled with cute little shops.
Brignorth along the River Severn.
The Cliff Railway
Wightwick Manor:
Everyone needs their own darkroom in the garage area.
This is just a small part of the estate.
In the garden

I think the giant hedges shaped into peacocks add to the general aesthetic of the home.
That a beautiful site. I wish I could visit there...maybe when I get out of the air force.
Oh, btw....Ill only be landing for about 2 hours when I come through....and that will be in Ireland, and I don't know if we will be allowed through customs or not yet.
Is that where we ate fish n' chips at the little restaurant? I remember the little train...
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