Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Alligator Shmalagator

I went to Grand Lake with my friends the Browns for a few days and it was really fun; there are no alligators, nor sharks in Grand Lake, but there are snakes, turtles, fish, and plenty of other wildlife and insect galore to compensate for the lack of jawed man-eating creatures.
The first night we canoed to a boat dock and attempted to fish at sunset. I didn't actually want(or know how)to catch fish, so I kept casting my line and reeling it back in; most likely, I would freak out if I actually hooked something(which I did-an old rope). There was apparently nothing to worry about because the fish weren't in the mood to be caught, but the stars were so bright it was worth the ride just for the view.
The next day we went out on a boat; some fished, went tubing, jumped off the cliffs or worked on their sunburns. I opted for enjoying the ride, which I definitely did, via SPF 45. Its amazing to see fish several feet long leap out of the lake to catch bugs loitering on the water's surface. There were also several really beautiful houses surrounding the lake with three story yachts tied to their docks, but since we were there during the week the lake was mostly ours for the day.
We also enjoyed dining at the local eateries. Frosty and Edna's was my favorite; the food was great, atmosphere Andy Griffith Show worthy, and the waitress authentically country with her Nascar apron, smokey voice, and references to 'Vegas. Howdy, and welcome to Oklahoma folks. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally ate a Frosty and Edna's two years ago... It was good.