Thursday, July 31, 2008

That's Childish Behavior, Julia

I made two friends today, the first is the painting lady, Loraine, with whom I shared a cup of tea and fruit scone with while discussing 7/11(she meant the World Trade Center bombing, which happened to be 9/11 and not a chain convenience store), the second friend is blanched asparagus. 

Those who know me well may also know that cooking has not been my strong point in the past(i.e. salt cookie poisoning 99',  several soggy mystery concoctions, frequent explosions via microwave, brick cupcakes, etcetera, etcetera). But to all the naysayers out there, I would like to announce that I am becoming a master chef(or at least working on my cooking skills).  A photo of delicious vegetarian cuisine I personally created last night is now posted, so there. 

Pictured: Blanched peppered asparagus, lemon seared quorn(faux chicken)salad with red, yellow and green pepper, mushrooms, rocket and spinach, blackened herb courgettes(zucchini) and sweet corn. It was actually really good and almost all the food was organic. 

Take that Top Chef! Sure Loraine may not be around anymore due to the hallway being completely lacquered, but at least I have more asparagus. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Insert Homer's voice from the simpsons*

"Mmmmm...salt cookies..."

Yes, I do remember those expeditions into cooking hell and am glad to hear you are making progress.

Hey, take some pictures of the family or write about them, I still don't even know anything about what you're doing over there...