Wednesday, February 11, 2009

8th Wonder of the World

At CSM; bike parking area between the library and the main building
Screen printing studio in Hackney. 

Well hullo thar father, as the saying goes, this Bud's for you(as the other equally well-known saying goes, ask and ye shall recieve):

Last night, the "Black Screen O' Death" appeared on my Macbook. Yes, that special time in every piece of technology's life when it decides not to function, usually at the worst time for anyone needing said piece of equipment. Fast forward to 8Am, when work was looming impatiently above my stressed out cerebrum and my GPA bacon was slowly becoming fried.

Cringing in pain as I unsuccessfully attempted to use one of Lindsay's computers, I needed a program that wasn't available, and the actual computer moved like a snail(with dislocated ankles) and didn't have a French keyboard option; that was only before the interweb ceased to live. 

Nearest Apple store: London, one hour travel time each way, no time to make the trip. On a whim, I hopped on a train and ventured to what is advertised as just an Apple "reseller" in nearby Basingstoke, and with fingers crossed and little hope left in my bleeding heart I groveled to the nearest employee for assistance. Lo-and-behold, said "reseller" happened to have a technician on hand at the time, who, looked at my computer for t-minus 3.5 minutes and fixed it on the spot, for just three hundred pounds. 

Just kidding! It was free.

I wanted to hug everyone in store and leap around clicking my heels, singing operatic renditions of "I Believe I Can Fly", however, considering I'd never met anyone there before and didn't want to give them any funny ideas, I restrained my joy. Sheer joy. 

Now, I can punçtuaté my with éasé.

In other news, I've been sewing like Martha Stewart on house arrest. My professor really liked the first example shirt(toile) I made for my line so I bought some fabric today in order to create four more pieces of design genius. By Saturday. We'll see if that happens. The presentation board is the bulk of the project, and I'm not completely finished with that yet, but I will be tomorrow.

And now, a little something special to file away in one's photographic memory...
 Yes, that is me last summer with none other than, *deep in-stereo voice* Titanium Jesus. And Creepy Face Mary. Just t r y sleeping tonight...


David123456 said...

Wowsers, it's statues like that that make Catholicism so appealing....not.

but I know there's lots of cheesy protestant artifacts out there too.

I wonder if there is muslim schlock... (just don't name your teddy bear ******ed)

Andrew Lee said...

Titanium Jesus looks to be making the statement "After Death, I become the Silver Surfer'...?
Glad you were able to fulfill your epic quest and reestablish the Holy Light of the Mac computer.

Sarah said...

That IS a protestant statue. Crystal Cathedral yo.