Sunday, February 22, 2009


This weekend I went around sunny London, which was seriously enjoyable after months of terrible weather; the entire British public goes outside when the weather is nice. I went to Portabello Road Market, Marble Arch, The Victoria and Albert Museum, and lots of places in between. I also happened to stop by the exact place where the lovely Abigail, decided to pull a Madeline and try swimming a few years back. Not a good idea when its -2,000 outside, and besides, Madeline was in France, not England.

Upon traveling, the trains were really busy, so people sat wherever was available; in my lucky, lucky, case, that happened to be adjacent to a very talkative and slightly intoxicated Irishman, who although it was only 2 in the afternoon, was intent on teaching me about the economy through hazy eyes and lager breath. Then, as if I were being blown to pieces in a slow motion scene from a tragic action movie, "Creepy Wink" number one of the day struck. "Creepy Wink" number two came later, when I boarded the plane and sat next to the most amorous couple this side of the Atlantic(barf). Although already awkward, things went even more downhill when the wife of Romeo got up, and he chose to execute "Creepy Wink" number two of the day right at me in his wife's absence; a direct hit from the firing squadron of uncomfortable.

The only person I know well who winks is my friend Matt, blaming it on his "twitchy-eye", which, since it happens so much, might actually be legitimate. But in today's cases, the winking was definitely not the work of any so called twitchy-eye. If I were going to wink at someone, I'd have to scrunch up my face real ladylike and open the other eye as wide as possible, to even convey the slightest resemblance of a wink. In my case, the timing would be off and my wink would just end up leaving people to feel uneasy and question the meaning behind it. Kind of like most winks.

Anyway, I'm in Barcelona right now, listening to the sounds of vespas speed by, and although I've not gone many places yet, the architecture is stunning and my Spanish has definitely come in handy. I'm really stoked for tomorrow.

I didn't mean to take a photo of this guy.

Royal Albert Hall

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