Friday, September 5, 2008

What a Glorious Feeling

Well its definitely raining right now and doesn't look as though it will stop for a while, but what did I expect? It IS England, its what it does. However there are good things about the rain. Like getting to wear a cute trench coat and carry an umbrella. 
Personally, I find umbrellas fascinating. There are pros and cons concerning them; pro's being that A) One gets to carry it, saving themselves from becoming totally and completely drenched and B) One feels empowered to sing lines from musicals such as "Singing in the Rain" when carrying this amazing contraption. Con's are that A) Well, its raining because you're not just carrying it for fun, and B) Getting wet is inevitable, even with the best umbrella and aforementioned cute trench coat. 


Anonymous said...

Jewish man in front of ski murals. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

I bet he's thinking, "I should buy some skiis. If only....I were a rich man, ba da ba da ba da dumm!!"