Friday, June 13, 2008

I Have No Wisdom(teeth).

Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed and therefore I feel a bit dizzy and out of sorts today. I don't remember the actual surgery, but I do remember some of the crazy dreams I've been having, mostly due to the magical mystery pills I'm in the process of becoming addicted to. 
Yesterday I dreamt that I went synchronized swimming and has three clones, all extremely talented and preforming elegant swan dives and circle formations to classical music in a backyard pool. Last night I dreamt that someone had brought freshly baked croissants over to my house and was offering them to everyone. I could literally smell them in the dream and therefore woke up extremely disappointed around 2:15 am.
The surgery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I received three very pretty flower bouquets and a pint of soy chocolate espresso ice cream to numb the pain. 

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