Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sorry for the squeaking, its my room.

My room is so amazingly clean it doesn't feel like its mine. Its like losing 50 pounds and then trying on your favorite old fat jeans; roomy. And thats how my room is now: roomy (and less cave-like). I've always attributed the mess issue to having too many clothes, and I confirmed that as the ultimate problem as I repeatedly dumped shirt after pant, after skirt after skort off in what grew to become a rather large yard sale pile.
My mom suggested charging admission, my dad said "if moving to England is what it takes to get this room clean, maybe you should go more often", and my little brother Andy rolled around on the carpet in celebration. 

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Goodness. Gracious.

I've been getting ready for my England trip and although I've got loads of  things to do, I need to tackle the mess that is my room first. I can't believe I still had eighth grade Hollister t-shirts, and what's even more unbelievable is that Hollister hasn't changed their style a bit since eighth grade, so I gave them to my sister and they're still acceptable in the middle school realm.
The weather is colder in England, so I'm trying to bring key warm pieces like sweaters and jackets with me; In an effort to pack said warm pieces, I bought a light blue and orange argyle Lacoste sweater vest(on sale!)Wednesday, which is perfect for playing tennis(or just looking I still play tennis). 
I still really need to buy some warm clothes, because well, vests don't have sleeves, which is normally a crucial point in the warmth department, but I'm not sure where I can buy sweaters in the heat of the summer, in a place that rarely sees snow.

I had my hair done last Wednesday by Danielle at Arcs, and although I normally love the styles she gives me, this one is less than desirable. There I was, just sitting on the chopping block(I mean, in the stylists chair), getting a normal trim when all of the sudden I blink and then see my bangs falling on the floor like wrapping paper on Christmas morning(quickly and in abundance). So I now grit my teeth when accidently catching a glance in the mirror at the horror which lives on my forehead; my brand new choppy, piecey, yucky, emo-teen bangs. Dear bangs, please, please,  grow out before I see too many people I know... 

Friday, June 13, 2008

I Have No Wisdom(teeth).

Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed and therefore I feel a bit dizzy and out of sorts today. I don't remember the actual surgery, but I do remember some of the crazy dreams I've been having, mostly due to the magical mystery pills I'm in the process of becoming addicted to. 
Yesterday I dreamt that I went synchronized swimming and has three clones, all extremely talented and preforming elegant swan dives and circle formations to classical music in a backyard pool. Last night I dreamt that someone had brought freshly baked croissants over to my house and was offering them to everyone. I could literally smell them in the dream and therefore woke up extremely disappointed around 2:15 am.
The surgery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I received three very pretty flower bouquets and a pint of soy chocolate espresso ice cream to numb the pain. 

California, Here We Come, Right Back Where We Started From

Bride Angie trying on her wedding dress jewelry the night before with her mom, Linda
Brittany, Bride Angie, and Kelsey

Brittany at our table during the reception
Brittany, Ronnie(Brittany's dad) and Kelsey, all looking glamourous 
Angie, the bride, trying on her wedding jewelry the night before the wedding with mom, Linda
Brittany eating the tower of main course
Reception hall

Last Wednesday I went to California with some friends for a wedding and it was really fun. We decided to start out the trip correctly, by taking a day excursion to Disneyland, pretending it was my birthday so all the employees would tell me "Happy Birthday" when I walked around and therefore  evoking all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings within me. When we were looking for a cab to the park at our hotel's valet,  a  man in a suit offered to drive us there in his car, which turned out to be a black limo, so that was the best possible way to begin a day at the Happiest Place on Earth. After  getting on ride after ride, canoeing around the park in a Daniel Boone style apparatus, and exhausting the majestic carousel steeds, we ended the night with a trip to California Pizza Kitchen, which is probably the second most happy place on earth(I would like to give a shout out to the Miso salad).
The wedding was at the Crystal Cathedral and it was  fabulously decorated with light colored flower arrangements made mostly of peonies. When she walked down the aisle the center fountains  came on and the lovely bride, Angie, floated down to the front like the princess of an exotic European nation. The music beautifully intermingled with the decor to create a very elegant atmosphere throughout the night and Angie and Chris are now happily Mrs. and Mrs. Wyatt(and most likely sunbathing on the sandy beaches of  Tahiti at this moment).  

Sunday, June 1, 2008


This weekend was quite entertaining. I went to Kansas City, Missouri, with some friends to see a concert. Death Cab for Cutie was the headliner and preceding them were the Morning Benders, The Kooks and Rogue Wave. Being the devoted fan that I am, I stayed in line from 2-7pm(*note: not as long as last time when I waited 8 hours in the hot summer heat of Tulsa).

Highlights of the excursion included: 
*Meeting the lead singer of Death Cab for Cutie(Ben Gibbard) and locally famous policeman Boston Rob(Rob provided excellent pre-show entertainment consisting of stories involving drug busts, getting shot etc).
*Being first in line for the concert, therefore scoring prime standing room.
*Being stepped on by Luke Pritchard, lead singer for The Kooks.
*Seeing the artwork around Kansas City. 
*Found adorable knobs and door handles from Anthropologie

Side note: the bassist for Rogue Wave looks like my Uncle Jeff.