Monday, January 19, 2009


Classes began last week, I'm taking French, Humanities I, Humanities II and Contemporary Marketing. Thrilling selection, I'm aware. I'm enjoying the French thus far, mostly because I'm compelled by an interest in language, art, croissants and indie movies, but honestly, taking two Humanities classes that I don't need feels just as pointless as it actually is. I'm not buying the stupid books. I'm trying to have a "positive mental attitude" but its not really working, obviously. Marketing can be interesting, if I'm in the right mood. . .

I started my design course on Saturday and it was really incredible, so that makes up for the lame Humanities courses. The school is well hidden within the confines of a smelly old building devoid of adequate signage and quite possibly the most disgusting restroom in existence, with all the quality of the finest five star redneck truck stop; however, once the class started it didn't really matter. The teacher went to the London College of Fashion, and teaches part time at Central Saint Martins(which is where the class is that I'm taking). Anyway, she's a really good designer and has worked for people like John Galliano and now designs for one of the up market brands for Urban Outfitters. She's also really nice and encouraging so thats good. 

In order to research for our line, we went to the school's fashion library, which is definitely my favorite type of library. An area full of all the fashion and design related books a person could want, every issue of Vogue, ever printed, in every country that it exists. then the there are sections on subjects like theory, photography, biography, and construction. Its going to be hard to concentrate on my other classes now, when my homework for the design course includes things like checking out boutiques in London, reading about designers and picking out vintage clothes for inspiration. I'm already distracted. . .

Thursday, January 15, 2009


My shirt designing course is going well, Saturday was spent focusing on draping and sketching most of the day. Then, I went along and stopped at some amazing fabric stores around Berwick Street, looking for my color palette and settling on a grey green viscose jersey to kick things off. It drapes like a dream, but fabric prices are more of a nightmare. There are art stores, vinyl shops and a few little vintage clothing boutiques around that area too so those were fun to check out. Unfortunately my digital camera decided to turn on in my purse and by the time I noticed, it had succumbed to battery drain and was too late to salvage. Fortunately I had my film camera with me and managed to take a few shots. 

Thomas and I went Extreme Ironing over the weekend and were given many strange looks by people, most of them staring, questioning our motives, or just laughing. However there was one naysayer, with a vicious, oversized, and smelly-looking dog. I dubbed the owner Mr. Grumpy Pants. He wasn't very smiley. However, Thomas did a fabulous job of ironing except for the face that the shirt was still wrinkled. As far as my video camera skills, I'm not so confident. 

I am currently having a psychotically busy week. I thought that I forgot to turn a paper in, but it turns out I didn't because its not due until next week. So thats good news, although I went through the whole "pandemonium/stress filled" phase for no reason.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Just a quick note, if anyone has attempted to email me, the message probably hasn't gone through. A brilliant learning institution I'm involved with, called "college", decided to shut down the entire computer network and change all personal email addresses without letting students know ahead of time, just for kicks and giggles. I'm sure all the other students are as equally excited as I about the incident and squealing with excitement over the minute change in address that sufficiently manages to mess everything up; just one of the many pleasures that complete the community college experience. At least its free. My new, improved(?) email address is as opposed to