Monday, November 24, 2008

Sticks and Stones

Okay! So I've neglected to post on here for a while, but I have been busy writing papers over "Feminism in 20th Century Art" and "Bioethics Concerning The Human Genome Project". Go figure.  I've also been knitting; unfortunately the cat, Poppy, likes to "help" and randomly attacks while I try to knit, so its become more of a sport. I try to guard the knitting while Poppy creeps up, ready to pounce at any moment like a blood thirsty saber-tooth tiger hunting wild boar during famine to feed its jungle kin. Alright, so maybe its not quite that dramatic, but work with me here. 

Aunt Liz and Uncle Les came down to Basingstoke to visit and we went to lots of interesting places like Stonehenge, Winchester and Jane Austen's House. 

Jane Austen briefly lived there
Miss Austen's actual house was there

This rooftop reminded me of the scary bird scene in Mary Poppins 

The Round Table(or so they say)

Though I may have a blog, I am no techy nerd and have no idea how to get this photo to turn... this is Jane Austen's grave in Winchester Cathedral

I lightened the exposure on this so one can see the intricate detailing inside the cathedral. 
The CRYPT...
Look! A bunch of old rocks!
 I'd always wanted to go to Stonehenge and definitely listened to the entire audio tour. It was really cold outside though!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blueberries, Anyone?

This weekend I went with Aunt Liz and Uncle Les to the Cotswold's. The area we went was very picturesque and had a lot of sheep and pheasants.

Lower Slaughter... Apparently there used to be more sheep in the area, but sadly, they probably weren't destined for long life in a town with a name like that. I'm guessing Upper Slaughter isn't much better. Poor little sheep.
Part of a river that runs through the town.

Thomas took the next pictures at a German fair we we went to in Birmingham
Myself and Aunt Liz

We went to a birthday party at The Pretty Bricks; if Shades of Brown and Kilkenny's had a child, this would be it. There was definitely a pirate there.
On the way back I crammed myself into one of the weirdest train rides I've ever experienced. The entire train was so packed that people had to stand in the aisles and entryway's, and there still wasn't enough room however, there was quite a bit of angry yelling. I squeezed on, but stood up the whole ride smushed between a crazy lady who announced that she was a Biologist and started handing out blueberries to strangers, and several students with their Ipods so loud they were probably deaf by the end of the journey. But hey, I got where I needed to go. 

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well this Saturday was firework night; Wednesday was the 5th of November which is Guy Fawkes Day here. So, there was a guy burnt at the stake(a scarecrow like figure, not a real person, as I was led to believe in my younger days) and lots of fireworks at the festival in town. It was pretty enjoyable, and really what's not to love? Celebratory burning of terrorists is always brings a good laugh and it teaches the kids responsibility...