Friday, October 31, 2008


I have five bottles of water sitting on my desk. That means I either recycle or am a pack rat.

I'm going to an ABBA dress up/sing along pantomime soon and my eyes are hurting from sewing sequins and psychedelic prints. I can't believe I just admitted that. The costumes are going to be crazy fun. 

Though halloween is well over, I'm still reaping the benefits of the free candy aspect of the situation, though I didn't actually collect any. 

I went into London Saturday and tried to go shopping, didn't get a single thing. I think its because I get so overwhelmed by choice and shear abundance. 

I had my hair done about two weeks ago so it would all be one overall tone, instead of the variations it seems to turn so randomly. Unfortunately after only a few washes, its lighter than it was before and looks like I need to have it done again because apparently I have an albino streak and my hair rejects dark color. This leaves me only one choice, back to blue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure about blue?