Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've Information Vegetable, Animal and Mineral

Penzance feels as though it is the edge of the world, or at least England; probably because the land stops and there's just an amass of sea. I didn't get to take too many photos, only 241, so here are a few I managed to snag on my short jaunt/marathon bike tour extravaganza. Unfortunately, though my trip covered an immense amount of seashore, I failed to see any pirates. Maybe next time...

Sunset Over Penzance
Somewhere between Morazion and Penzance
St. Michael's Mount, Morazion
(Note: this is an amazing place because its half and island. When the tide is low, people are able to walk across to the area, in high tide, one must take a boat. Pretty schnazzy.)
Gullbert, my new friend

If one hasn't realized, St. Ives is a gorgeous beach town. Once a person discovers The Digey, the main pedestrian walkway through the town, everything local is suddenly unearthed; from art studios to Cornish Pasty shops. The Tate Gallery, St. Ives is located right off The Digey and Porthmeor Beach, so its easy to visit good friends like Pablo(Picasso) and of course Barb(-ara Hepworth). 


St. Ives
More St. Ives

The Tate Gallery at Porthmeor Beach St.Ives

Little house on hill, St. Ives
Another view of the little house on the hill, St. Ives

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