Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh. La.


The beach at night in Barcelona

Drink much? This crazy hobo man kept attempting to climb over the gate to get in. He almost made it, darn that security. One's gotta give it to him though, he was one persistent crazy.  
A few years ago I was looking through an architecture book that was laying around the house and the Sagrada Familia was in it. I decided I had to go. As if the sheer size isn't breathtaking enough, the building has a texture so different than anywhere else I've been. 

Barcelona at night. That thing-a-ma-jig is actually a massive slide! I went down it several times. What a grand idea. I'm awarding it a gold star.
This man, we'll call him Juan, played gorgeously. He also had a wonderfully captivating mullet and side burns that added that little extra bit of pizazz, which, if one has happened to have read "How to be a Street Performer in Spain" is definitely needed because they're everywhere. There was a painter standing not far from him but there were people obstructing any good photo opportunities

More great architecture. These buildings in front of the Parc Güell make me think of Willy Wonka because they're so funky.
Views from Parc Güell.
 The weather was perfect.
I'm not quite sure why this picture was taken, as aesthetically pleasing as the vandalized electrical storage box and random street may be. Those are typical Barcelona modern city windows.

Ah, architecture.  

1 comment:

Andrew Lee said...

Man it looks beautiful there. The Eiffel tower pictures where awesome to. Man, I use that word to much...awesome. Anyways, Tuch und Gutten Nocht